What Led to the Murder of Patrick De La Cerda on New Year's Eve? || True Crime Documentary

Описание к видео What Led to the Murder of Patrick De La Cerda on New Year's Eve? || True Crime Documentary


Patrick De La Cerda, born in 1992 in Miami, was a kind and loving individual. After his parents' divorce, he remained close to both and pursued a career in construction. In 2017, he met Jessica Devnani online, and they quickly fell in love, despite her past relationship with Gregory Bender, a wealthy and controlling businessman.

Gregory, who was still obsessed with Jessica, began threatening Patrick when he learned of their relationship. Patrick and Jessica reported Gregory's harassment to the police and obtained a restraining order. However, on February 27, 2018, Patrick was found murdered in his home. Gregory became the prime suspect, as the crime was meticulously planned, and evidence suggested his involvement.

Although the police struggled to gather direct evidence, Gregory's ex-wife Deora provided crucial information, revealing Gregory's detailed plans for the murder. Despite a lack of a murder weapon, Gregory was found guilty in 2021 and sentenced to life in prison without parole. Jessica, devastated by Patrick's loss, continues to honor his memory while staying close to his family.

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