Episode 117: Tim DiFrancesco: Focusing on the Task at Hand Separates the Great from the Good.

Описание к видео Episode 117: Tim DiFrancesco: Focusing on the Task at Hand Separates the Great from the Good.

“Your assessment, really, is never going to stop with us. We are assessing you as we see how you respond to the dosing and to the prescription of exercise that we give you.”

Today we are joined by Tim DiFrancesco discussing working and learning in NBA, building a business, and relationships. After a brief intro Tim starts breaking down lesson’s he learned in his tenure in the league and how they are impacting him as a business man and a coach in the private sector. Being able to work with some of the best players and leaders of all time left a huge imprint on him due to his ability to take a step back and observe them working with other players, coaches, and staffers. Tim then breaks down how they assess everyone from general population athletes, to pros. Next we discuss how subjective monitoring plays a role with what they’re doing at TD Athletes Edge. Tim finishes off by sharing with me his favorite Kobe story, how he handles people who think they’re “the next” Kobe, and how his focus is what truly separated him. The links and social media he listed are below, make sure to give him a follow!

Insta/Twitter: @tdathletesedge
Facebook:   / tdathletesedge  
YouTube:    / tdifranc1  
Website: http://www.tdathletesedge.com
Podcast: http://www.tdathletesedge.com/podcast/

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