雞肉豆乳濃湯 (Chicken and Soy Milk Soup) 20分鐘神還原華御結名物!(with English Recipe)

Описание к видео 雞肉豆乳濃湯 (Chicken and Soy Milk Soup) 20分鐘神還原華御結名物!(with English Recipe)

#豆乳湯 #簡易食譜

#華御結 的 Fans 一定有飲過佢哋嘅豆乳湯!其實好易做。用無糖豆漿做湯底,口感幼滑,滋味無窮 ,而且營養豐富。

再加入不同蔬菜和肉類,令湯的味道和口感更豐富,而且這個湯只需 20分鐘便完成。

最後加入白麵豉提味, 令成個湯充滿日式風味!無論就咁飲定加入烏冬都好好味呢!飲完即刻覺得皮膚白滑咗

材料:雞肉 Chicken Breast 1件 (100g)甘荀 | Carrot 1 pc腐竹 | Dried Bean Curd Sheet 1 pc
鴻禧菇 |Shimeji Mushroom 1 box
無糖豆漿 | Unsweetened Soy Milk 500 ml
白麵豉 | Miso Paste 1 tbsp
水 | Water 300 ml
鹽 | Salt To Taste
白胡椒 | Ground White Pepper To Taste
蔥花 | Chopped Green Onion as Garnish

1. 雞肉切粒,下少許鹽醃 15分鐘。
Cut the chicken into small pieces. Marinate with salt for 15 minutes.

2. 腐竹用水浸軟,剪細片備用。
Soak dried bean curd sheet until soft, drain and break up into small pieces, set aside.

3. 甘荀去皮切片。鴻禧菇切去蒂。
Peel and slice the carrot. Cut off the stem of Shimeji mushroom.

4. 煲滾一鍋水,下雞肉烚至轉色,取出。
Blanch the chicken in boiling water until the color change from pink to white, transfer to a plate.

5. 再煲滾一鍋水 (300ml) ,下甘荀和腐皮,慢火煮至甘荀軟身。
Bring another pot of water ( 300 ml) to boil, add carrot and bean curd sheets, simmer until carrot becomes soften.

6. 下鴻禧菇、雞肉和無糖豆乳煮至雞肉熟透(約 5 分鐘)。
Add Shimeji mushroom, chicken and soy milk, cook for about 5 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.

7. 下白麵豉和少許鹽調味。
Add white miso and season with salt.

8. 灑上蔥花即可。
Garnish chopped green onion, serve hot.

Tips: 豆漿要購買無糖的,如果唔係變成甜湯呢!
Remember to buy unsweetened soy milk, otherwise it becomes a sweet soup.

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