サギマチワラ、翁長良光会長。Sagi Machiwara by Onaga Yoshimitsu Kaichō.

Описание к видео サギマチワラ、翁長良光会長。Sagi Machiwara by Onaga Yoshimitsu Kaichō.

Onaga Sensei strikes the sagi machiwara (hanging machiwara), which represent an opponent:

0:00 – この上に目があると考えます、目玉ですね。目に指入れる。The top (of the Sagi Machihara) represents the eyeballs. The fingers strike into the eyeballs.

00:11 – 何処でもいいですから、耳がある。叩く。。。Anywhere in the side are the ears. Strike...

00:18 – も一つは、上は顔と考えています。Also, at the top think of this as the face...

00:23 – も一つは、上は手と考えています。Also, at the top think of this as the hands…

00:28 – ここは胴体です、想うに心臓。。。This is the body (torso), the heart… (Onaga Sensei strikes with his elbows).

00:36 – こちは、足。。。これは、股間 、急所。。。Here are the legs… the groins, the Kyūsho (vital points)… (Onaga Sensei strikes while rotating his forearm).

00:49 – 外に行く時はこすると、外に回てる。。。To go to the outside (of the opponent), rotate (the arm) this way to turn to the outside… (Onaga Sensei rotates to the outside).

00:55 – これこちは弾きますと中に回る。。。When you pull this way, then you will move to the inside (of the opponent). (Onaga Sensei rotates to the inside).

01:00 – 基本はこれを最後にする事出来るかです。As far as the basics, this is the last one.

01:03 – 次は一緒に動けるです。Next, move together (Onaga Sensei moves together with sagi machihara).

1:09 – 例えば、足でしたらこれで払って。そしてこれで支えます。その時に転身をも来ない。来よう感じです。For example, if this was a foot (your opponent's keri) brush off and hold it. (Onaga Sensei moves to the opposite side). At that time, the opponent can’t move (tenshin). It's like this. (Onaga Sensei demonstrates).

Ultimate Okinawa Karate - Filmed in Okinawa in 2000. © 2000 Shinjinbukan Foundation Copyright ∙ Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or sale of this content constitutes an infringement of copyright.


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