The Longest Hollywood Marriages Still Going Strong

Описание к видео The Longest Hollywood Marriages Still Going Strong

What's the longest Hollywood marriage you know of? Would you believe that some celebrity couples have managed to keep their relationships going for decades on end? Join us as we take a closer look at some of the longest-lasting Hollywood marriages. And perhaps, along the way, we'll learn a thing or two about true love. After all, if these stars figured out how to keep their relationships afloat in such a challenging environment, then they probably have a lot that they teach could teach us.

▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:35 - Samuel L. Jackson and LaTanya Richardson Jackson
01:23 - James Garner and Lois Clarke
02:02 - Ringo Starr and Barbara Bach
02:29 - Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter
03:28 - Regis Philbin and Joy Senese
03:58 - Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne
04:32 - Bonnie Bartlett and William Daniels
05:25 - Kirk Douglas and Anne Buydens
05:58 - Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn
06:44 - Kevin Kline and Phoebe Cates
07:12 - Christopher Guest and Jamie Lee Curtis
08:06 - Outro

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Hollywood marriages aren't typically made to last. After all, the entertainment industry is a notoriously superficial realm and not necessarily the firmest foundation for embarking on a lifelong journey of love, trust, and fidelity.

But there are always exceptions to every 'rule'. A few A-listers have somehow managed to find true love in such a world of vanity, greed, and ego. Some stars have just gotten lucky while others have really had to work hard at keeping their marriages alive after so many years. But, never should we understatement the power of true love. It can be found sometimes in the strangest of places – and no place is stranger than Hollywood.

The Longest Hollywood Marriages Still Going Strong


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