How to handle native android application and keyboard actions using appium | android pressKey method

Описание к видео How to handle native android application and keyboard actions using appium | android pressKey method

Learn how to handle native Android applications and perform keyboard actions using Appium in this comprehensive tutorial.

Appium is a popular open-source tool for automating mobile applications and this video will show you how to use it to test your Android apps.

From setting up Appium to launching an Android app and interacting with elements on the screen, this video will cover everything you need to know to get started with Appium.

You will also learn how to simulate keyboard actions such as typing, scrolling, and tapping.

Whether you are a software developer or a mobile tester, this video is a must-watch for anyone looking to automate their Android apps and improve their mobile automation skills. So, don't wait - watch this video now and start your Appium journey!


Prerequisite for this video:-

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