Internet 2.0: The Global Brain - Viktor Kirilov - code::dive 2023

Описание к видео Internet 2.0: The Global Brain - Viktor Kirilov - code::dive 2023

Internet 2.0: The Global Brain

Suppose there was an architecture for identity, names, and content addressing that was global, decentralized & neutral (not owned by any corporation or organization), has practically unlimited scalability, has solved the UX problem of dealing with private and public keys (that crypto & blockchain struggle with) and goes beyond the host-centric (IP & DNS) web of today (hint: there is such an architecture). What could we build on top of it? This talk will explore the transformation of the Internet and social media into a Global Brain - an informational meta-system transition. We'll explore the types of social and informational dynamics & interactions enabled by the permissionless extensibility & composability of an open system and we'll cover the following topics: - aggregation & structured data vs text-based communication & ephemerality - transparency, openness, provenance & integration of information - viewing the same data from many different points of view - different filters & criteria - knowledge graphs & deduplicating all concepts/events/claims with a single representation - liquid democracy (the ability to delegate your vote to others and split it for different topics) - alignment, incentive design, game theory & reputation - PageRank for identities (not web pages) - self-organization and complexification through bottom-up participation instead of top-down enforcement - debate maps, relevance realization, Bayesian inference & collective intelligence (which is all intelligence) - attention, availability cascades & algorithmic feeds that can be composed & configured by users - social media and the internet through the lens of the latest consciousness theories and research - what a merger of Twitter/YouTube/Facebook/Wikipedia/StackExchange/Quora/(and basically everything from the web) into a mega-social-net could look like - privacy and anonymity - sensemaking, consequence capture & solving collective action problems.

About the speaker - Viktor Kirilov

Viktor has ben a regular speaker at international conferences on topics relating to C++ and is the author of a successful open-source C++ testing framework. He started his career in the games & VFX industries and has progressed through compilers, databases & distributed systems and is currently into blockchains & cryptocurrencies


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