Find the Tangential and Normal Components of Acceleration | Chap 7 KINEMATICS | Question 4 | Ex 7

Описание к видео Find the Tangential and Normal Components of Acceleration | Chap 7 KINEMATICS | Question 4 | Ex 7

Assalam o Alaikum Students.
The Question is
1) Find the Tangential and normal Components of the Acceleration of a point describing the ellipse x²/a²+y²/b²=1 with uniform speed v when the Particle is at (0,b)

Students the topic of today's videos is the Questions/Problems of Tangental and normal Components of Acceleration with Complete Explanation.
This topic is from the book Introduction to Mechanics Chapter 7 Kinematics by Q K Ghori.
This is Question 4 from Excercise set 7 or Chap 7 Kinematics. This is really important topic from Exam point of View. If you have any questions regarding the topic you can ask me.
#TangentialAndNormalComponent #TangentialAndNormal #TangentialAndNormalComponenrOfvelocituAndAcceleration #TangentialAndNormalComponentOfacceleration #Chapter7Kinematics


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