Pac-Man World: Level 23: Toc-Man's Lair (Final Boss, Ending & Credits)

Описание к видео Pac-Man World: Level 23: Toc-Man's Lair (Final Boss, Ending & Credits)

After a few hours worth of playtime in this game, after rescuing all of his friends, Pac-Man has finally reached the core of Ghost Island, and crashes Toc-Man's party, which has just started!

Toc-Man tries to bring all of the attention to himself, and to get everyone to love him, but all of his ghost minions were to afraid of him to even give him a hug! That's when the REAL Pac-Man appears before his robotic imposter, thus kicking off the final battle between real and fake!

As you already know, Toc-Man loves to copy Pac-Man, and that translates into this boss fight where he tries to kill you with your own moves. To beat him back, you have to use your own moves on him in different ways. This is split up into three phases for the fight:

- Phase 1: Toc-Man will shoot Pac-Dot Shots at you, but they also generation a handful of normal Pac-Dots that you can eat up and use right back at him. A quirk I noticed here is that he will only spawn as many Pac-Dots as you'll need to bring his health down enough to move him on to his next phase. So if if you have no dots, but Toc spawns 2, then you just need to shoot him 2 more times with those same dots to move on through the battle.

- Phase 2: After magnetizing him to the center for a moment to hit him with a Butt Bounce, Toc-Man uses his own Butt Bounce. The shockwaves from this are so powerful, that the whole floor will just hurt you every time he slams down on it, so just jump each time before he hits the ground. Hit the blue switches to re-magnetize him back to the middle of the arena to Butt Bounce his head even more. You keep doing this until you proceed on to the final phase.

- Phase 3: This phase can be the most dangerous, because now Toc-Man uses a giant flaming version of the Rev Roll. You're best bet is to try to jump out of its range. If you Butt Bounce and hit him on top while he's rolling, there's a high chance that this will just send you flying right off the arena and die! After Toc stop's rolling, he falls down, and then very slowly picks himself up. That's when you strike him with your own Rev Roll! Do this enough times to finish him off!

While this entire fight goes on, all of Pac-Man's allies, Pooka, Chomp-Chomp, Professor Pac, Pac-Baby, Pac-Jr., and Ms. Pac-Man, will all try to aid you by keeping your health up when you run low on it!

Now, Pac-Man has not only crashed Toc-Man's party, but he has also crashed straight through him enough for him to shrink and short-circuit. When Pac-Man kicked the faking robot, he opened up, and revealed a shocking surprise.

Toc-Man really wasn't real at all. He was a mech suit designed by its pilot, a white, big-eyed ghost named Orson.

Indeed, Orson was quite jealous of Pac-Man's popularity, so he built the Toc-Man suit in an attempt to get popular himself. He seems pretty sad that Pac-Man ruined that for him, because as he says: "Nobody loves a ghost..."

Pac-Man just smiled on, because quite frankly... he doesn't care! These ghosts kidnapped a lot of people he loved: His friends, his pets, his kids, and even his wife! Orson's short sad story was not earning him any sympathy points, here! So Pac-Man just pulls out a Power Pellet, swallows it whole, and gives Orson a great big CHOMP! Forcing him to run away. That'll teach him!

And so, Pac-Man and all of his friends then returned to Pac-Land in peace, now ready to FINALLY celebrate a more important party, his 20th birthday party! Congratulations!

I uploaded this video at the right time, too, because this date of May 22, 2020 is actually the 40th anniversary of the entire Pac-Man franchise, to remind how this character is one of the oldest mascots in the video game history! Really, though. 40 YEARS?!

Thanks for watching! The main playthrough is now finished, but I can continue on to showing off the unlockable Marathon Mode, a mode that gets unlocked after playing through every Bonus Maze in Quest Mode. This lets you go through 36 mazes in a row, including the ones you can only play in Mazes Mode. This represents the remaining 5% that I need to achieve 100% for this entire game. I've only reached 95% at this point.

Stay tuned for that, and once again, Happy 20th AND 40th Anniversary to Pac-Man!

Check out the final battle and new ending of this game that Re-PAC made in the link below. I published this three years later on Pac-Man's 43th Anniversary!:
   • Pac-Man World Re-PAC: Part 30: Toc Ma...  


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