Pax Dei: Eastern Shore Expedition and Resource Management - 2024-06-30

Описание к видео Pax Dei: Eastern Shore Expedition and Resource Management - 2024-06-30

In this session of Pax Dei, I embark on another expedition across the eastern shore for resources. During the journey, I decide to process the flax I find into straw. I successfully hunt several boars and deer, and discover some cotton, which I gather for future tailoring needs. Upon finding rich deposits of iron and granite, I prioritize mining these valuable materials, leaving behind some of my other loot to make space in my backpack. After returning home, I focus on production and head out to gather basic materials like wood and stone in the nearby area. Notably, I realize that as my iron stockpile grows, I will need more wood to ensure a sufficient supply of charcoal. Join me as I navigate resource management and crafting in the immersive world of Pax Dei.


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