Chamber music | Dunhuang 室内乐《敦煌》

Описание к видео Chamber music | Dunhuang 室内乐《敦煌》

The city of #Dunhuang was a key stop on the ancient Silk Road, a vast trade network connecting Eurasia and North Africa via land and sea routes. Dunhuang is best known for the Mogao Grottoes, a world-famous treasure house of ancient mural art.

In this chamber music piece, the composer intends to depict the millennia-old city as a meeting point for diverse cultures and civilizations from around the world. #traditionalChinesemusic #Chinesemusic

#敦煌 作为丝绸之路上一颗璀璨而又耀眼的明珠,以其神秘而广博的内涵、丰富而精美的历史遗存,承载着中西方文明交流的历史,延续着万古文化的血脉。乐曲巧妙地运用中国民族乐器的特性,把西域调式与印度调式相结合,体现着古代四大文明的唯一汇聚地——敦煌所具有的多元、传奇的色彩。#中国民乐 #民乐

Composed by JIANG Ying

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