日本人のブラジル移住の歴史~多文化共生を考えるきっかけに~/History of Japanese immigration to Brazil

Описание к видео 日本人のブラジル移住の歴史~多文化共生を考えるきっかけに~/History of Japanese immigration to Brazil


Between 1908 and 1971, many Japanese people emigrated from Kobe Port to Brazil. The reason is the rapid increase in the population of Japan at that time and the serious situation of food shortages. We discuss why they came to Brazil and what kind of life they lived, based on the exhibition of the Emigration Museum in the Kobe Center for Overseas Migration and Cultural Interaction, which is the facility where Japanese immigrants stayed before departing for Brazil.

Entre 1908 e 1971, muitos japoneses emigraram para o Brasil partindo do Porto de Kobe. O motivo disso foi a grave situação econômica no Japão à época, incluindo o rápido aumento populacional e a escassez de alimentos. Por que eles foram para o Brasil, e que tipo de vida levaram? Vamos desvendar isso na exposição localizada no atual Museu da Emigração e Centro de Intercâmbio Cultural de Kobe, local onde os emigrantes se hospedaram antes da partida.

企画/編集:定常琴梨(神戸大学国際人間科学部Global Studies Program)

#海外移住と文化の交流センター #移住ミュージアム #ブラジル移民 #移住 #移住センター #神戸大学国際人間科学部 #brasil #imigração


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