Day 156 AVME: Let Go of Self-Judgment: Cultivate Self-Acceptance with This Simple Breathing Practice

Описание к видео Day 156 AVME: Let Go of Self-Judgment: Cultivate Self-Acceptance with This Simple Breathing Practice

Welcome to Day 156 of our Anulom Vilom journey! Today, we’re diving into a quality that can truly transform how we relate to ourselves—self-acceptance. 💖 Self-acceptance means embracing all parts of who we are—our strengths and our imperfections—and letting go of self-judgment. Through our 15-minute practice today, we’ll explore how Anulom Vilom can help us cultivate kindness, compassion, and acceptance for ourselves, allowing us to live with greater peace and authenticity.

Understanding Self-Acceptance:

Self-acceptance is about acknowledging and embracing all aspects of ourselves without judgment. It’s letting go of the need to be perfect and practicing compassion towards ourselves. In yoga, this is closely linked to Ahimsa (non-violence)—treating ourselves with the same kindness and care that we extend to others. Anulom Vilom, with its calming effects, helps quiet our inner critic and fosters a sense of peace and self-compassion.

How Anulom Vilom Cultivates Self-Acceptance:

Here’s how Anulom Vilom helps foster self-acceptance:

1. Quieting the Inner Critic: The steady breathing calms the mind and reduces negative self-talk, allowing us to focus on embracing ourselves rather than being critical.
2. Connecting with Our True Selves: This practice helps us connect with our inner essence, reminding us that we are more than our mistakes or accomplishments.
3. Releasing Self-Judgment: Through regular practice, we can release judgments and accept ourselves with kindness and understanding.

William’s Story: William was always striving for more but realized his constant self-criticism was preventing him from truly appreciating who he was. Through daily Anulom Vilom practice, William focused on letting go of harsh expectations and welcoming self-compassion. Over time, William began to feel more at peace, learning that self-acceptance is not about giving up on growth—it’s about growing from a place of kindness rather than criticism.

Visualize Self-Acceptance: Imagine a moment when you were hard on yourself—perhaps after a mistake or struggle. Now, breathe deeply, and with each inhale, feel your heart open to self-compassion; with each exhale, let go of harsh judgments. Notice how self-acceptance changes your perspective and brings peace.

The Technique: How to Practice Anulom Vilom for Self-Acceptance:

1. Find Your Seat: Sit comfortably with a straight spine, creating a stable foundation for your practice.
2. Hand Position: Right hand to your nose—thumb on your right nostril, ring finger on your left.
3. Begin the Cycle: Inhale through your left nostril, welcoming self-acceptance. Exhale through your right nostril, releasing judgment. Continue this pattern, deepening your sense of peace and compassion.

Self-acceptance can be practiced in every moment. Think of times when you’ve been overly critical of yourself. Pause, connect with your breath, and use Anulom Vilom to calm your mind, release judgment, and choose self-compassion instead. It’s these small, mindful practices that nurture lasting self-acceptance.

How has Anulom Vilom helped you practice self-acceptance? Share your experience in the comments! Here’s a challenge for today: The next time you find yourself being critical, pause and practice Anulom Vilom. Let it guide you toward self-compassion and acceptance. Let me know how it goes!

Self-acceptance is a practice that transforms our relationship with ourselves, allowing us to live with greater peace and authenticity. With Anulom Vilom, we can cultivate self-acceptance each day, embracing our true selves with kindness and compassion. 🌸

Thank you for being here today and for your commitment to this practice. Let’s begin! 🙏

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