Aragorn "Strider," Painting Tutorial

Описание к видео Aragorn "Strider," Painting Tutorial

"If by my life, or death I can protect you, I will...You have my sword."

As we continue our painting journey through the members of the Fellowship we arrive at one of, if not the most important character in the whole of Middle Earth, Aragorn son of Arathorn, Isilduirs Heir and heir to the Throne of Gondor.

From humble ranger background this mighty man helped hunt for Gollum at the start of the War of the Ring, fought off the Nazgul at Amon Sul, pledged himself to help Frodo in his quest and did everything he could to protect the halfling and every one of his friends until Frodos fateful decision to go it alone on the shores of Amon Hen.

From there he continued his journey with Legolas and Gimli through Rohan, Dunharrow and Gondor finally arriving at the Black Gates, a last ditch effort to stand defiant and strong in the face of Sauron and unrelenting odds giving Frodo the chance he needed to finally destroy the One Ring.

A truly mighty hero, in all literature, film and on the tabletop! In this guide we will give you a comprehensive look at the original Fellowship of the Ring metal sculpt and describe in detail how to use a variety of greens, browns and natural hues to bring Aragorn to life on the tabletop, blending all the steps in naturally enough to maintain the rugged, weather beaten look of this unassuming man and get him ready for our future Quest of the Ringbearer Gauntlet Challenge!

We're now officially over halfway through the Fellowship tutorials with only, Gimli, Boromir and the Grey Pilgrim left. Let us know who you would like to see a tutorial for next!! Don't worry, we will also be doing a King Elessar tutorial sometime in the future to.

We hope you enjoy and as always.

Happy Hobbying!

Music courtesy of Youtube Audio Library.


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