The HORRIFIC Execution Of The Woman Of Abraham Lincoln's Shooting

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One of the most shocking moments in History was when John Wilkes Booth inside of a Theatre in Washington, went up behind President Abraham Lincoln and assassinated him. In the moments that followed there was much chaos, as many sought to try and capture Wilkes Booth, but the Lincoln Conspiracy went much deeper. One woman who was executed for her involvement in the death of Abraham Lincoln was Mary Surratt, who owned a boarding house and a tavern where the conspirators would meet. They also stashed weapons at her house, and Mary Surratt was someone who did harbour confederate sympathies.

Following the death of the President, Mary was arrested and was accused of colluding and harbouring members of the group that killed Lincoln. She was placed on trial and despite being very ill she was sentenced to death, and many believed that her death sentence was wrong. On the gallows along with the other members of the conspiracy, Mary Surratt was executed on a blistering hot day, and many believed including the executioner that she would be reprieved. But she was not spared, and she was the only woman executed for her involvement in the plot to kill Abraham Lincoln.

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