Part 2, Swamy Antarmukhananda
Shri Swamy Shivananda Paramahamsar is an avatar who realized that the same 'jiva shakti' is in human, animals, birds in the form of air equally. Birds and animals have more 'jnana' than human beings because their respirations are single directional 'eka gati'. Even in human beings prana is in 'ekagati' in sleep. He proved that respirations move in single direction in the spinal cord 'shushumna' with Siddha Vidya. His experiences are recorded in the book "Siddha Vedam", Moksha Soothram.
He taught that these many religions are not there in the world, there is only one religion that is Ishwara Matham. Service to this Ishwara is to supress the life force that is in the form of air internally upward and downward. This air when it is moving, is called karma, maya, sin, sharira, creating this world. Once this air is stilled with Siddha Yogam that is Karma Yogam, merit 'punyam', 'sukrutam', knowledge 'jnana' and 'rasamani'.
Iswara and jiva are same, all these beings are not different, I am the one that is all pervasive and omnipresent. All the worlds came out of me, all the 9 openings are in the head, the 6 chakras are only the changes in the mind. Arguments between scriptural educated people with no experience is like dogs fighting for food thrown in trash. The sun, moon etc that are seen outside are only reflections on the egg of ego. I am the center point for everything. The meaning of Veda Vakyas 'Aham Brahmasmi' etc. is to merge one's own life force in oneself.

There might be many 'karya' Gurus in the world, but the Guru for all the Gurus is only the mind. That is why mind is the 'Karana Guru'. In his book Life for World Peace, 4th chapter he stated that to create equanimity and independence and to remove the worldly view of Guru and disciple a saint has done this Siddha upadesha. He fortified the relationship of Guru and disciple saying no one should misunderstand.

Even though he has thousands of disciples, he used to say he has only two or three disciples. He himself said in an occasion one of them is His Holiness Sri Swamy Ramananda Paramahamsar and second one is Bhagawan Nityananda. He was travelling by foot preaching Siddha Vidya along with disciples, when he came to a Vinayaka Temple in Saluru, A.P. among all the disciples he called upon Shri Ramananda and said I will show you "Brahmananda". He said during union of man and woman life force travels inward through spinal cord 'shushumna' and touches the 'Brahma randhra' creating momentarily the 'Brahmananda'. He explained that Brahmananda will be permanent when the life force is merged into oneself. He showered special blessings on our Gurudev His Holiness Sri Swamy Ramananda Paramahamsar and proclaimed that he is his main disciple.

Shri Shivananda Paramahamsar displayed many miracles as needed, but cautioned the disciples that these are obstacles to attain jnanam. During second world war Dr. Rangarao (disciple of Shri Ramananda Paramahamsar) visited him in Chennai and asked that if a bomb falls on a yogi's body does it get destroyed?. Shri Shivananda Paramahamsar asked him to bring a spencer knife and asked him to stab him in his elbow. Nothing happend to his elbow but the tip of the knife bent. He proved that he has 'vajra sharira'.


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