Описание к видео SWAMY SHIVANANDA MAHASAMADHI ARADHANA...Swamy Antarmukhananda

There are two kinds of pranayama.
1. Bramari pranayama 2. Bhujagikarana Pranayama.
Bramari pranayama is making the sound like a bumble bee. 18 siddha purushas perform this 18 different ways with different body poses. This is performed in the ashram established by Shri Shivananda Paramahamsar. This cannot be performed anywhere else. Only the students of Siddha Vidya following strict disciplines are eligible to perform.
Bhujagikarana pranayama has nothing to do with vocal cords, like the Cobra hissing. Anyone can perform this. All Gurus in the tradition of Brahma Vidya teach this pranayama.
He preached that life histories may be many but the same life is in everybody, so this life history 'jiva charitra' is important. To be kind to the life is to unite the life force 'jiva shakti' that is uniform in every being without any differences of nation, caste, religion, man, woman, animal and birds into oneself with the help of Siddha Vidya.

He lived up to 75 years of age and attained Jeeva Samadhi on 21st of June 1949 on the way to Kodai Canal, in a sacred town called Palani. Either it is divine or intentional that same day June 21st is declared as World Yoga Day. The body of Shri Shivananda Paramahamsar was taken from Palani to Vatakara for Samadhi. As the samadhi body is being placed in car his forehead had a tiny scratch, small amount of blood oozed out. This proves that yogis when they take samadhi the life force 'prana' is inside, even though there is no respirations outside they are still alive.
'Natasya prana utkramanti atriva samavaliyante' (Brihadaranyakopanishath).

Yogam Dhyanam Jnanam by Swamy Antarmukhananda.


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