Savery 's Miners Friend - 1698

Описание к видео Savery 's Miners Friend - 1698

Historic Steam Engine Series: 1698 - Savery 's patent engine for raising water by fire. An artist 's impression 3D model realized with Blender Cycles 2.7 .
playlist:    • Historic Steam Engine Series  

"Mr. Thomas Savery, commonly called Captain Savery (?7i), obtained a patent
in 1698 for a new invention *' for raising water, and occasioning motion to all
" sorts of mill-work, by the impellent force of fire." This patent bears date the
25th July, 1698, in the tenth year of the reign of William III. It is stated that
the invention will be of great use for draining of mines, serving towns with water,
and for working all sorts of mills.
At that time it was not the custom for patentees to give specifications of their
inventions, and there is no official record of what Savery's plan was at the time of
the patent being granted ; but from the philosophical publications of the day we can
collect the following particulars.
In June 1699, he showed a working model of his engine to the Royal Society,
and in their transactions for that year, viz. No. 253, vol. xxi. there is the following
" Mr. Savery, June 14th, 1699, entertained the Society with showing his
engine to raise water by the force of fire. He was thanked by the V. P. for
showing the experiment, which succeeded according to expectation, and was ap-
proved of." Fareay: "a treatise on the Steam Engine", London 1827

Based on:

see also:
   • Steam Engine - How Does It Work
   • Savery steam engine  
   • Сomplete model of Thomas Savery`s "Fi...  
   • Miners Friend van Thomas savery  


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