Sparking a Mixed-Media Creative Project "Letters from Russia" – Dave Olson, Northern Voice, 2009

Описание к видео Sparking a Mixed-Media Creative Project "Letters from Russia" – Dave Olson, Northern Voice, 2009

"How does a content creator elevate their work from craft to art? The same creative parameters apply whether the delivery method is digital or analog or both. When applied with vigour, the work elevates to something beyond an ephemeral musing."

Using a mixed-media project called “Letters from Russia” as a example, Dave discusses practical tactics for harnessing inspiration, plotting the big picture, grinding out the “real work”, and finally creating a satisfying tangible artifact.

Dave riffs about the role of blogs, podcasts, reader interaction, RSS, and self-publishing with chapbooks and/or on-demand web services as efficient methods of sharing and distributing the project to an audience.

Filmed and edited by Bruce Sharpe, original HD at Vimeo:

DaveO's full round up with crowd source snapshots, blog commentary, reviews, artifacts etc.:

Preso slidedeck: {missing}

Letters From Russia creation notes:


From Stephen Rees:
"The only tweet I managed during this session was “laughing too hard to type”. Uncleweed is a local cultural artefact and we should find ways to get him funded so he can keep on doing his schtick."

From John Lyotier:
" I attended this unconference session by accident sort of ~~ and then in walked this odd looking chap: floral shirt, a tickle trunk, smokey-grey fedora, and a smile that said that he knew the next 30 minutes was going to be fun. I asked those next to me what this session was about. They said, “wait and see”, and I am glad I did. Dave gave one of the more enjoyable presentations (”Letters from Russia”) that I have seen in a long time. Summarize it? I don’t think I can, and even if I tried, it wouldn’t do it justice."


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