What Write Next? (playing Frogger with ideas)

Описание к видео What Write Next? (playing Frogger with ideas)

Thinking about which of many writing projects to finish next… meandering all the way, at home while typhoon looms.

You see, I start lots of projects, but then don’t really “finish” to the point where I put out into the world so, I think aloud about options while making a grading system that doesn’t really work, ergo:

* One-way tickets: a collection or continual narrative of travel/adventures (some drafts)
* Circumnavigation: free verse, poetry, diary, entries, snippets of letters (working, manuscript)
* Letters from Russia: mixed-media fictional epistolary lit (written & illustrated)
* January in Hot Springs: sudden poems with various visual interest (published in limited form)
* Buncha essays on so many topics which definitely maybe don’t really go together, and
* Collection of short fiction stories, which are only vaguely personal

Oh shoot, missed “Uncle Weed’s Red Rock Adventure” Which is entirely written, illustrated, mostly scanned, and even has a foreword

Anyhow,  Some pros and cons of publishing pathways, including: sending to publishers and waiting, doing print on demand, but ending up with ugly books, using a publishing services like Lulu or Blurb, but maybe having a hard time really selling, or, rather absurdly, paying for a print run of gorgeous books and selling direct, including edition numbers, inscription, commemorative postcard, bookmark.

Is this insane? Probably. Your thoughts please, all of your thoughts.


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