Siempre en Domingo / David Olivarez

Описание к видео Siempre en Domingo / David Olivarez

Here is one of the most memorable performances of one of my songs on TV. But for a mishap, not necessarily for the “performance”. In fact, we didn’t even play our instruments because it was a show called Siempre en Domingo. Which was, if you were Hispanic, the show that everyone wanted to be on, It was the Meca of Mexican television for artists, musical groups, movie stars and basically anyone who dreamed of being on TV. But the thing about performing on this show is that you absolutely could not perform live; everyone used a “playback” recording and lip-synced the show. Normally we hated that because we all loved to perform live no matter what. But this time, nobody cared, we just were happy to perform Siempre en Domingo. Now understand that I, along with all my bandmates dreamed of performing on this show when we were kids and here we were about to go on stage when they asked us what song would we be performing. We were supposed to do two songs, Soñador which was at the top of the charts back then, and No Te Vayas which was also a fan favorite. The problem was that the stage people set us up to do Soñador, which is entirely accordion based with absolutely no keyboards on it. But for whatever reason the songs got flipped and of course we were all caught a bit off-guard. None more so than my compadre Mike Martinez who was in absolute horror when he heard the first three chords signifying the beginning of No Te Vayas and there was no keyboards around. Ever the professional, he took it all in stride (albeit blushing fire red) yelled in my ear…THIS ISN’T HAPPENING!!!
Oh yes it happened and here’s the proof!


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