COD United Offensive (2004): 7-Capo Murro di Porco, Sicily 12 July 1943

Описание к видео COD United Offensive (2004): 7-Capo Murro di Porco, Sicily 12 July 1943

Ref. Maps • 1/50,000 Sheets 8/F3, 8/FS
TOP SECRET 1/25,000
Sheet No. 20/14 NW 12 July 1943
TO: Major Ingram, Sgt. Doyle S.O.E.
a) In preparation for Operation Husky, you are to infiltrate and destroy the naval gun battery at Capo Murro di Porco (367909) . You will be assisted by a detachment from 2 troop, 1 S.A.S

2- Enemy
a) Fort heavily garrisoned, recommend a diversion to draw forces from within.
b) Nearby town heavily garrisoned. Intelligence reports possible presence of German armor.
c) State of alertness: Low.



a) By means of a captured civilian fishing vessel, approach the dock at (367909).
b) Make your way to the Lighthouse, Eliminate spotters.
c) Infiltrate fort and bunker complex. Spike all 3 guns and plant timed charges in the main magazine.
d) Ex-filtrate by means of the fishing boat. H.M.S. Ulster Monarch will be standing by.



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