COD United Offensive (2004): 8- Capo Murro di Porco, Sicily 12 July 1943

Описание к видео COD United Offensive (2004): 8- Capo Murro di Porco, Sicily 12 July 1943

Ref. Maps • 1/50,000 Sheets 8/F3, 8/FS
TOP SECRET 1/25,000 Infiltration successful. Light resistance at the dock
Sheet No. 20/14 NW 12 July 1943
TO: Major Ingram, Sgt. Doyle S.O.E.
Planted diversionary changes at the light house
with some success. Main compound relatively clear of enemy.
1. Objective
a) In preparation for Operation Husky, you are to infiltrate and destroy the naval gun battery at Capo Murro di Porco (367909) . You will be assisted by a detachment from 2 troop, 1 S.A.S
The enemy alertness was higher than expected.
Successfully spiked guns and planted charges.

2. Enemy
a) Fort heavily garrisoned, recommend a diversion to draw forces from within.
b) Nearby town heavily garrisoned. Intelligence reports possible presence of German armor.
c) State of alertness: Low.
Garrison returned earlier than expected. Bit of a tough fight out the door. We managed to acquire a motorcycle and a kubeiwagem, Unfortunately, the S.A.5. lads took a direct hit from a panzer..


3. Outline

a) By means of a captured civilian fishing vessel, approach the dock at (367909).
b) Make your way to the Lighthouse, Eliminate spotters.
c) Infiltrate fort and bunker complex. Spike all 3 guns and plant timed charges in the main magazine.
d) Ex-filtrate by means of the fishing boat. H.M.S. Ulster Monarch will be standing by.



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