Heat Transfer | Thermal boundary layer | Prandtl Number|Heat Transfer Basics| Heat Transfer Formulas

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Thermal boundary layer | Prandtl Number | Heat Transfer |Heat Transfer Basics|Heat Transfer Formulas
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The thermal boundary layer refers to the thin region near a solid surface where heat transfer occurs primarily through conduction. It is a concept commonly used in fluid mechanics and heat transfer studies.

When a fluid flows over a solid surface, such as air flowing over a heated plate or water flowing over a heated pipe, the fluid in direct contact with the surface experiences a temperature gradient. The molecules closest to the surface are heated or cooled by conduction, and they, in turn, transfer heat to the adjacent fluid molecules. As a result, a thin layer of fluid near the surface is affected by the temperature gradient and experiences significant thermal gradients and heat exchange.

The thickness of the thermal boundary layer is typically much smaller than the overall flow field and depends on various factors such as the fluid velocity, fluid properties, surface temperature, and geometry. It is often characterized by a dimensionless parameter called the Prandtl number (Pr), which represents the ratio of momentum diffusivity to thermal diffusivity of the fluid. The Prandtl number determines the thickness of the thermal boundary layer and its relative importance compared to the velocity boundary layer (which is associated with the fluid's momentum).

Within the thermal boundary layer, heat is primarily transferred through conduction, while in the outer region of the flow, convective heat transfer becomes dominant. The transition between the thermal boundary layer and the outer convective region is often referred to as the thermal entrance length, and it is where the temperature profile starts to resemble that of fully developed flow.

Understanding the thermal boundary layer is crucial in various engineering applications, such as designing efficient heat exchangers, determining surface temperatures in aerodynamics, or optimizing thermal insulation. It plays a significant role in determining the rate of heat transfer between a solid surface and a fluid flowing over it.
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