瑞典跳蚤市场探宝 古董 珠宝 琥珀 象牙

Описание к видео 瑞典跳蚤市场探宝 古董 珠宝 琥珀 象牙

#瑞典跳蚤市场探宝 #古董琥珀 #跟着莎莉去旅游

瑞典赫尔辛堡的跳蚤市场是人们出售旧家居用品的大型市场。 这里不仅有价格低廉的古董和珠宝,还有许多来自不同国家的不同服饰的人,很有意思。

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此外,我还是中国国家资质中医传统美容师和健身气功八段锦及太极拳教练。 此频道专注于中外旅游,中国中医传统养生和健身。

Wellcome to Nordic_Sally!
I am Sally, a professional international travel consultant, from Guilin China originally and live in Sweden in Northern Europe. Here, same as Guilin, is well known by unique natural features, beautiful beaches, brightly colored ancient Gothic Architectures and the Nordic people advocating a free and leisurely lifestyle. Northern Europe is very suitable place for your free travel or in-depth travel. You can slowly and leisurely experience the local customs and Nordic culture. Whether it is Guilin China or Nordic travel, I provide travel consulting and travel customization services.

In addition, I am a certified beautician of Chinese medicine theory and a fitness instructor for Qigong and Tai Chi. This channel focuses on Chinese and foreign travel, traditional Chinese medicine health and fitness.

莎莉的收费服务项目:北欧和中国旅游咨询及私人订制、桂林旅游预定 和 Zoom健身课
Sally's Paid Services: travel consulting & private customization on travel in Scandinavia and China, booking for Guilin tour, Zoom Fitness live Class

赞助频道/Sponsor Channel:
Paypal: https://paypal.me/iamsallywei?country...

WeChat ID: SP-Europ

关注/Follow :
*Facebook Health and beauty page: Sally's Pleasure
*Facebook Health and beauty page: Sally's Pleasure
*Facebook tour page: Magical Silk Road,
*Facebook fitness page: Health Qigong & Tai Chi
*抖音: Sally_sister
*Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7rS


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