Social media is my passion project: Dr Amar Puttanna

Описание к видео Social media is my passion project: Dr Amar Puttanna

My guest in this episode is one of the most passionate doctors I’ve spoken with about social media. So much so that while he describes being a doctor as his “day-job”, he talks about being on social media as his “passion project”.

It’s a kind of passion for learning, and also for teaching. If you’ve been following the show, you’ll already know from other guests that doctors are using social media to learn and share knowledge, but Dr Amar Puttanna takes it to another level, setting up new kinds of channels for doctors to learn and share with each other.

I loved hearing what a significant part he believes social media has played in his own career.

And he’s one of what might be a movement of doctors who want to bring fun to serious education.


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