Turning The Most Beautiful Walnut - Square Blank To Square Rimmed Bowl - Copper Owl Woodturning

Описание к видео Turning The Most Beautiful Walnut - Square Blank To Square Rimmed Bowl - Copper Owl Woodturning

In this video, I turn a gorgeous piece of English Walnut into a square rimmed bowl. I believe this shape best shows off the most stunning grain of the wood and adds interest without taking away from the natural beauty. I hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed making it.
Have a nice day.
Rob, Copper Owl Woodturning
English Walnut
6” x 6” x .25” thick square rim
.20” wall and bottom thickness
2.40” tall
Ø5.00” opening x 2.20“ deep bowl
1.00” = 25.4mm

Starbond medium CA glue used on (1) crack on the rim. The crack is visible during the sanding parts of the video, but after gluing and sanding and applying the walnut oil it disappears.

Power sanded with 220 - 600grit sandpaper
Burnished with grey scotch-brite pad
Sealed with 2 coats Mike Mohoney’s Utility Walnut Oil (Heat treated)
Buffed with ACK’S POLISH/RESTORING PASTE (2x carnuba)
Sticker swap pals and channel shoutouts:
Please check out these channels and subscribe.

Name: Wee Val
YouTube Channel: teckle turnings
   / teckleturnings  

Name: Mike Booth
YouTube Channel: Scenic City Woodturning
   / sceniccitywoodturning  

Name: Jennifer Straughton
YouTube Channel: Jennifer’s Craft & Creations
   / jenniferscraftcreations  

Name: Robert Boyce
YouTube Channel: Robert Boyce Wood turning N.C.
   / @robertboycewoodturningn.c.7838  

Name: Claire Burgess
YouTube Channel: Claire’s Crafty Corner
   / @clairescraftycorner  
other channel: At Home with Claire
   / @athomewithclaire  

Name: Anthony Roark
YouTube channel: radar the woodturner
   / @radarthewoodturner8912  

Name: Huw Davies
YouTube channel: Wooden-It-Be-Nice
   / woodenitbenice  

Name: David Icenhower
YouTube channel: Webfoot Resin & Wood Creations
   / @webfootresinandwoodcreations  

Name: Luie Bandeira
YouTube channel: Spindles Workshop
   / @spindlesworkshop9744  

Name: Pawelkiewicz Rafal (Rav)
YouTube channel: Second life of wood-turning
   / secondlifeofwoodturning  

Name: Doug Miller
YouTube Channel: Doug Miller at Wood Spun Round
   / @dougmilleratwoodspunround  

Name: Doug Moore
YouTube Channel: The Pohl Barn Productions
   / thepohlbarnprojects  
Other YouTube Channel: Outside the Barn
   / @outsidethepohlbarn  

Name: Tanya Becher
YouTube Channel: Tanya Becher Woodturning
   / @tanyabecherwoodturning  

Name: Seth Belcher
YouTube channel: Brickhouse CraftWorks
   / brickhousecraftworks  

Name: Jay
YouTube channel: Moving Chips
   / @movingchips  
Name: Daniel Dubois (Double D)
YouTube channel: Tournage Dubois
   / tournagedubois  

Music attribution where required


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