Nyapin Nyokum Yullow 2024

Описание к видео Nyapin Nyokum Yullow 2024

The origin of the Nyokum Yullo procession lies in the antiquity. While the inaugural mass festival of Nyokum in its modern manifestation may have taken place in 1967 at Joram, it is essential to recognize that Nyokum, in its rudimentary form, has always been an integral aspect of our cultural heritage. Thus, it is erroneous to regard Nyokum as a recent innovation.

Furthermore, the assertion that 'Yullow' should remain detached from 'Nyokum' on the basis of Nyokum being solely a cultural festival, distinct from any religious association, is flawed. Religion constitutes one facet of our cultural identity, alongside elements such as attire, culinary traditions etc. Indeed, culture encompasses religion, and without the former, the latter would not exist. Similarly, the essence of Nyokum is inseparable from Yullow. The Central Nyokum Committee advocates that rituals such as the sacrifice of Mithun and the erection of yugang on February 26th should be complemented by the recitation of hymns, emphasizing the holistic nature of the celebration.

"Loss of culture is loss of identity"

Disclaimer : The video is a personal vlog of the Nyokum Yullow celebration 2024, at Nyapin. I was not the official photographer of the event. All shots are handheld.

#nyapin #nyokum #yullow


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