Handel Julius Caesar: Aure, deh, per pietà (Giulio Cesare),Christopher Lowrey & Voices of Music 4K

Описание к видео Handel Julius Caesar: Aure, deh, per pietà (Giulio Cesare),Christopher Lowrey & Voices of Music 4K

The aria Aure, deh, per pietà from Giulio Cesare HWV 17, 4K video from the Voices of Music award winning "Harmonic Labyrinth" concert.
Giulio Cesare was very popular during Handel's lifetime and was part of the Handel revival in the early 20th century, beginning with a production at Göttingen in 1922.
Aure, deh, per pietà (Giulio Cesare)
Dall’ondoso periglio
salvo mi porta al lido
il mio propizio fato.
Qui la celeste Parca
non tronca ancor lo stame alla mia vita!
Ma dove andrò? e chi mi porge aita?
Ove son le mie schiere? Ove son le legioni?
Che a tante mie vittorie il varco apriro?
Solo in queste erme arene
Al monarca del mondo errar conviene?
Aure, deh, per pietà
spirate al petto mio,
per dar conforto, oh dio!
al mio dolor.
Dite, dov’è, che fa
l’idolo del mio sen,
l’amato e dolce ben
di questo cor.
Ma d’ogni intorno i’ veggio
sparse d’arme e d’estinti
l’infortunate arene,
segno d’infausto annunzio al fin sarà.
Aure.... —Nicola Francesco Haym

From the perilous waves
I am cast ashore
By my benevolent fate
The destiny of heaven
has not yet severed the thread of my life!
But where shall I go? Who will help me?
Where are my troops? Where are the legions
that gave me so many victories?
Must the ruler of the world
wander alone, vanquished, in the desert?

Breezes, for pity’s sake,
breathe into my breast
to bring your comfort, oh God,
to my pain.
Tell me, where is
the idol of my faith
the beloved treasure
of this heart?
Everywhere I see
Littered with weapons, dead bodies,
A dismal scene--
Surely a dreadful omen
Copyright Voices of Music 2019

High Definition Audio: Boby Borisov
Final audio and video master: David Tayler


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