Music for the Soul "The Stranger of Galilee" (Brian Davies & Graham Sapwell) with Lyrics

Описание к видео Music for the Soul "The Stranger of Galilee" (Brian Davies & Graham Sapwell) with Lyrics

Music for the Soul #25 – “The Stranger of Galilee”
(Words: Lelia N Morris Music: Charles H Morris)

Music is the language of the soul, it has a unique and special ability to connect directly to the soul to bring joy, soothe sorrows, relieve stress and stir the emotions.

This song written in 1893, although new to the 2015 edition of the song book, has been known and sung by Salvationists for many years having appeared in both The Musical Salvationist (April 1937) and Gems 5.

Lelia Morris beautifully depicts this “Stranger of Galilee” ... teaching and ministering to the great crowds ... making a blind man see... His look of compassion ... His sacrifice … calming the raging sea all whilst drawing the listener into a sweet intimacy - “And I felt I could love Him forever, So gracious and tender was He!” And amongst these stories from the Gospels is a special message of hope, “It was for Thee”; He’ll calm life’s storms with His “Peace be still” and abide with you if only you let Him. "Oh, my friend, won't you love Him forever, so gracious and tender is He! Accept Him today as your Saviour, this Stranger of Galilee."

In fancy I stood by the shore one day,
Of the beautiful murm’ring sea;
I saw the great crowds as they thronged the way
Of the Stranger of Galilee;
I saw how the man who was blind from birth,
In a moment was made to see;
The lame were made whole by the matchless skill
Of the Stranger of Galilee.

And I felt I could love Him forever,
So gracious and tender was He!
I claimed Him that day as my Saviour,
This Stranger of Galilee.

His look of compassion, His words of love,
They shall never forgotten be,
When sin-sick and helpless He saw me there,
This Stranger of Galilee;
He showed me His hands and His riven side,
And He whispered, “It was for thee!”
My burden fell off at the pierced feet
Of the Stranger of Galilee.

I heard Him speak peace to the angry waves
Of that turbulent, raging sea,
And lo! at His word are the waters stilled,
This Stranger of Galilee;
A peaceful, a quiet and holy calm
Now and ever abides with me;
He holdeth my life in His mighty hands,
This Stranger of Galilee.

Come, ye who are driven and tempest-tossed,
And His gracious salvation see;
He’ll quiet life’s storms with His “Peace, be still!”
This Stranger of Galilee;
He bids me to go and the story tell –
What He ever to you will be,
If only you let Him with you abide,
This Stranger of Galilee.

Oh, my friend, won’t you love Him forever?
So gracious and tender is He!
Accept Him today as your Saviour,
This Stranger of Galilee.


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