Counterfeit heaven, Fantasy - Meg Blanckenberg (original song)

Описание к видео Counterfeit heaven, Fantasy - Meg Blanckenberg (original song)

I wrote this song when I was about 16 years old.

One of the counterfeit heavens is fantasy.
If we think about it, what is our purpose here on earth? Is it to worship God and spread the good news?When we get lost in fantasy, we are taken out of reality into a realm that gives us a short fix. A quick momentary solution to the problem of being overwhelmed, tired or bored in this life.
OVERWHELMED - God says cast your burdens on Him, He will sustain you (Psalm 55:22)
TIRED - God says go to Him and He will give you rest (Matthew 11:28-30)
BORED - God warns that boredom is not from Him, He gives us good work and good rest. (Proverbs 19:15, Colossians 3:23, Phillipians 4:7)

What happens in our minds is extremely powerful and we are held responsible for what we think of:
Matthew 5:28
Mark 7:20-23
But you say "Fantasy is not inherently bad..."
1) the faculty or activity of imagining impossible or improbable things.
2) an idea with no basis in reality.
3) a genre of imaginative fiction involving magic and adventure, especially in a setting other than the real world.

Is God real?
When does God use us?
If our minds are not on Him, do you think He will use us?If our souls are enticed into another realm of thought and escape, do you think we are fulfilling our purpose of worshiping Him and spreading the reality of sin and the message of the gospel?
1 Corinthians 6:12
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Acts 20:24
Matthew 3:2
I found myself desiring things I didn't have.One of the biggest for me was romantic love - I would drink up novels and get lost in movies. I would get excited to go to bed so I could dream dreams of what was unrealistic, but what my heart really wanted.
James 1:14+15
Romans 13:14
2 Timothy 2:22
1 Peter 2:11
Phillipians 4:8
Isaiah 26:3
1 Timothy 4:12-16

There is a war! How will we fight?
John 10:10 (steal time?)

2 Corinthians 10:3-5

The first thing that God created was time.

How are we spending ours?


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