台灣國片一次看完! 台北電影裡的哲學1960s-2020s / 超級歪電影EP21

Описание к видео 台灣國片一次看完! 台北電影裡的哲學1960s-2020s / 超級歪電影EP21

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📅參加抽獎活動時間為期一週:2022.11.24 - 2022.12.1
👍 感謝 馬可孛羅 出版 熱情贈書

‘Taiwan is somehow within the world system as its citizens are in their city boxes: prosperity and constriction all at once, the loss of nature, the failure of the urban to constitute itself by contrast with its counterpart.’ -Jameson, F. (1994). Remapping Taipei.


‘For there is need for contemplation whether and how, in the age of a uniform technological world civilization, there can still be such a thing as home".- Martin Heidegger


1896《火車進站》The Arrival of a Train
1964《台北發的早車》Early Train From Taipei
1985《青梅竹馬》Taipei Story
1986《戀戀風塵》Dust in the Wind 
1994《愛情萬歲》Vive L'Amour 
2001《你那邊幾點》What Time Is It There?
2002《天橋不見了》The Skywalk Is Gone
2002《雙瞳》Double Vision
2008《海角七號》Cape No. 7
2010《一頁台北》Au Revoir Taipei
2012《女朋友。男朋友》Girlfriend Boyfriend
2016《屍速列車》Train to Busan
2019《鬼滅之刃劇場版無限列車篇》Demon Slayer
2021《天橋上的魔術師》The Magician on the Skywalk 
2022《台北女子圖鑑》Women in Taipei


Berman, M. (1983). All that is solid melts into air: The experience of modernity. Verso.

Freud, S.〈超越享樂原則〉Beyond the pleasure principle. In The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud, Volume XVIII (1920-1922)

Jameson, F. (1994). Remapping Taipei. The Geopolitical Aesthetic: Cinema and Space in the World System, 114-157.

Laqueur, T. (1992). Making sex: Body and gender from the Greeks to Freud. Harvard University Press.
Marshall, B. M. (2021). Industrial Gothic: Workers, Exploitation and Urbanization in Transatlantic Nineteenth-century Literature. University of Wales Press.

Safranski, R. (1999). Martin Heidegger: Between good and evil. Harvard University Press.

Sennett, Richard ,《棲居》,2020,馬可孛羅


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