絕不能錯過的傳統中式甜品:蜜綠豆湯【甜】蜜綠豆|Honey mung beans【021】Anyone can cook.

Описание к видео 絕不能錯過的傳統中式甜品:蜜綠豆湯【甜】蜜綠豆|Honey mung beans【021】Anyone can cook.

蜜綠豆是一種非常受中國傳統文化歡迎的重要食材。 它是綠色的,形狀像豆,可以用來做甜點,也可以作為餐後點心。

蜜綠豆有很多的功效,例如有助於清熱去火,能夠解除暑熱,促進消化等等。 中醫學認為,蜜綠豆還含有多種維生素和礦物質,可以提高身體免疫力,保持健康。

在中國的傳統文化中,蜜綠豆經常被用作祭祀或慶祝活動中的食物。 例如,在清明節,人們會做蜜綠豆糯米糍來供奉祖先。 在端午節,人們會吃粽子,並在內部放入蜜綠豆來增添口感和甜度。

此外,蜜綠豆也是中國茶文化中的不可缺少的一部分。 在茶中加入蜜綠豆可以平衡茶味和提高口感,讓人們享受到更美味的茶品。

總之,蜜綠豆是中國傳統文化中不可或缺的重要食材,其功效和做法在中國的傳統文化中深受歡迎。 無論是作為甜點,還是作為茶點,蜜綠豆為人們帶來了美味和健康。

Mung beans, also known as "蜜綠豆" in Chinese, are a type of legume commonly used in Asian cuisine. These small, green beans have a slightly sweet and nutty flavor, which makes them a popular ingredient in both savory and sweet recipes.

In traditional Chinese medicine, mung beans are believed to have cooling properties that can help reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and detoxify the body. They are also a good source of protein, fiber, and antioxidants, which makes them a nutritious addition to any diet.

Mung beans can be used in a variety of ways in the kitchen. They can be boiled and added to soups, stews, and curries, or mashed and used as a filling for sweet pastries and dumplings. The beans can also be sprouted and added to salads or used as a crunchy topping for sandwiches.

One popular dish made with mung beans is "綠豆湯," a sweet dessert soup made with cooked beans, sugar, and sometimes coconut milk. This refreshing soup is a popular summertime treat in many Asian countries and is often served chilled.

Overall, mung beans are a versatile and nutritious ingredient with many health benefits. Whether used in sweet or savory dishes, they add a unique flavor and texture that can enhance any recipe.

There are several ways to cook mung beans
Using an electric cooker in summer is neither hot nor convenient
只需用電鍋蒸 然後拌一拌
Just steam it in an electric pot and mix it
甜而不膩 清爽的口感
Sweet but not greasy, refreshing taste
就能做出一鍋萬用的綠豆 夏天的消暑聖品
You can make a pot of mung beans for all purposes, a holy product for summer
也教您如何收存 相當方便
It also teaches you how to store it, which is quite convenient.

We all shoot in our own kitchen
Use natural ingredients as much as possible to prepare food
Prepare dishes with fewer additives
Let eating healthy reduce the burden on the body

酸 甜 苦 辣
acid sweet bitter spicy
Everyone has their own favorite taste
Every home has its own unique taste
Grandmother to mother and then to child
But my favorite taste is the taste of home
This is the taste you will never forget

just a mother and son
Mother inherits grandma's fine craftsmanship
媽媽喜歡 做菜 修改衣服
Mom likes to cook and modify clothes
Son only eats and sleeps
But the son will go to buy food
Simply eat【feeling at home】

參加演出 participate in the show
來賓 guest 綠豆 Mung beans
來賓 guest 砂糖 granulated sugar
來賓 guest 鹽 Salt

we are not professional
如果拍攝的不好 請見諒
Please forgive me if the shooting is not good
如有問題 請留言
If you have any questions, please leave a message

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