This is why you are not getting hired!

Описание к видео This is why you are not getting hired!

Struggling to show your value in job interviews and why they should hire you? 🙋‍♀️

Many candidates falter during interviews by not effectively quantifying their previous contributions - and therefore the value you can bring.

A key strategy to avoid this is to use the STAR technique, which stands for 👇

Specific: Detail the task or challenge.
Task: Describe your role.
Achievement: Highlight what you accomplished.
Result: Focus on the measurable outcomes.
Instead of saying "we achieved X," make it about YOUR impact: "My actions led to X outcome, resulting in Y% improvement." This not only clarifies your role but directly connects your efforts to tangible results 📈

Remember, employers aren't just interested in what you've done, but how you can replicate that success in their organisation. So, quantify your value, make it measurable, and you’ll make a memorable impression 💥

Got more questions or need help honing your interview skills? DM me! I also offer comprehensive career coaching, from CV writing to strategic interview prep. Check out the link in bio/comments for more details!

#CareerCoaching #JobInterviewTips #STARtechnique #QuantifyYourValue #JobSearchSuccess


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