Kitbash: Primaris Chaplain on Outrider

Описание к видео Kitbash: Primaris Chaplain on Outrider

So much time, so many models to build... in this guide I have been putting together an outrider Chaplain from scratch to add to my Emperors Spears force, I really enjoyed the challenge of making a chaplain from a plain old outrider and the sense of achievement from having completed is a nice change from home schooling the kids through covid lockdown!

the main kit used was a Primaris outrider, with parts taken from Age of Sigmar Stormcast Eternals (oh so many heads) and a few space marine relics and seals from the heavy intercessors kit.

Just an added thank you to those who subscribe to my channel, I really enjoy the hobby and making the videos is fun and a great way to motivate myself to not only get more hobby done, but also improve my hobby techniques and my limited video editing skills.

Background music: untitled track, made by me using Garageband! (way too much time on my hands here)


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