
Описание к видео #Autism

Over the years video mash. This is one of the social stories/ self-advocacy activities I do with my 10-year-old autistic son. For some, social anxiety and selective mutism tend to be a comorbidity of autism. This causes Kalehl to shut down, or possibly experience situational mutism ( that can last any where from minutes to hours). It is important that I provide him with the correct tools so that he is equipped for real life experiences. Only practice can offer the level of confidence he will need for those real world interactions. This is a glimpse into our life as an autism family. #Autism #autistic #asd #vlog #diagnosis #meltdowns #shutdown #overstimulation #homeschooling #homeschoolmom #therapy #autismmoms #sensoryprocessingdisorder #speech #occupationaltherapy #selfadvocacy #foodaversion #iep #lifeskill


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