Disc golf shoulder rehab: Indian Clubs

Описание к видео Disc golf shoulder rehab: Indian Clubs

Hey there,
So here is my next video. I know this will not be for everyone…
It is an intro to a long forgotten tool… the Indian club. This used to be a staple in the Indian, British and US military as well as in school gym programs. Unfortunately like many ancient movements, this has gone by the wayside. I feel they still have a place in our modern routines and am hard pressed to think of something better to not only provide mobility but stability and strength of the shoulder girdle. This will translate to a strong and mobile shoulder to forcefully chuck a plastic disc 350+feet, and also rehab chronic shoulder issues.
I have learned most of my practice from Dr Ed Thomas for those interested in pursuing this.
**Watch your head when you first start. I whacked my head with these more times than I care to admit.
As always....the goal is to help not hurt. Please do not use any information that does not seem appropriate to your situation. If there is any pain with anything please stop and you may want to have things checked out by your doctor or PT.

I am a licensed physical therapist but I am not YOUR physical therapist. The following content is for informational purposes only. The advice or strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your condition. This is not medical advice nor a replacement for medical advice. Use of this site and viewing videos confirms your agreement. Please use caution and follow at your own risk. Please consult with your medical doctor or PT to make sure this information is appropriate for your specific situation. Copyright 2021, all rights reserved

-Throw well


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