Tektronx 475A , Textronix , Textronic scope repair , Oscilloscpe repair

Описание к видео Tektronx 475A , Textronix , Textronic scope repair , Oscilloscpe repair

While using my Tektronix 475A Oscilloscope it Quit working ? Taking it apart I found there was no -8 volts . Having had a bad filter capacitor before I assumed it was a bad filter capacitor and replaced the filter capacitor for the -8 volt power supply section this was WRONG . After doing this and wasting a couple of hours I got out the Service manual on this scope and see
that the power supplies voltages are to be checked in a certain order and the +5 volt supply provides power to the -8 volt power supply section and the + 5 volt section was not working either .
So this was a case of " If all else fails read the instruction manual "
So the manual testing procedure showed the actual problem to be in the +5 volt power section . After several hours the problem was isolated not to a bad filter capacitor but a very unusual intermittent in the +5 volt full wave bridge rectifier . It was quite a process locating this and repairing it without a major disassembly
of the oscilloscope . Due to the unusual nature of this condition and the difficulty finding it then repairing it I decided to make this
video and perhaps help someone repairing their oscilloscope or other equipment with a full wave bridge rectifier in it . I was about to end the video and the camera quit the display on the camera showed that the memory chip was full so this video lacks only my typical ending
73 and good DX .



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