Clinical case: Lumbar: L5 root block and L4-5 facet joint injection: MRI: C arm: complicated case

Описание к видео Clinical case: Lumbar: L5 root block and L4-5 facet joint injection: MRI: C arm: complicated case

In this clinical case, I will provide serial x-ray and MRI images. you will learn how to understand MRI findings for the procedure selection. He has spondylolisthesis at L4-5 and radicular pain. The second step to compensate for the nerve root injection. In this patient, I selected the upper-level ipsilateral facet joint because there is subarticular stenosis in the L4-5 level.
repeated watching will give you more opportunity to understand and you doing practice by yourself.
It is the goal of the image training session.

#imagetraining #lumbar #backpain #interventionaltreatment #Ziemvision #Carm #chronicpain #spondylolithesis #transforaminal #facetjoint
#투시 #요통 #통증중재시술 #신경차단술 #이미지트레이닝 #요추후관절통증 #척추전방전위증 #만성통증


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