[Expedition] Moowolf Solo Iop + Archiduk

Описание к видео [Expedition] Moowolf Solo Iop + Archiduk

It was harder to get the setup with Iop than Feca, because here I don't have glyphs that do all the damage for me before I use AP at the start of my turn. The closest thing I have is Sentence, and I made sure to use it!

Killing summons every turn was not possible, so I had to leave the summons alive and kill them only when the boss was about to one shot them (every 3 turns). That way, he doesn't get to kill them on his turn and walk to my melee (meaning death for me). Lowering the summons' HP and killing them via Sentence on the boss was the best way to do this, as I have AP left to do burst damage on Moowolf.

I used the same build as the one for the Feca solotage, but I only applied points in Strength and Intelligence (and a bit in Vitality), and I switched the Major Powerhouse trophy for a Black-Spotted Dofus so I could get 12% crit back. Now that I think of it, a Dolmanax would have been better since I deal big lines of damage in this fight.
Build: https://dofuslab.io/view/bc319de8-f07...

Additional Note:
Using Virtue (-power) and buffing myself /after/ dealing damage on my turn were not misplays; I do this on purpose so as to not hit too hard and kill the summons when the time hasn't come yet.


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