Imagine Talk 2: Transforming Communities

Описание к видео Imagine Talk 2: Transforming Communities

Featuring Imagine case studies from Ethiopia (Fekat Circus), Egypt (Orchestra Al-Nour Wal Amal) and Australia (ActNow Theatre), this online session looks at organisations and initiatives that use various art forms, such as dance, theatre, film, storytelling, and music, to empower marginalised communities, promote social change, challenge stereotypes, and advocate for human rights.

These themes highlight the power of the arts to empower individuals and communities, preserve cultural heritage, and create inclusive and accessible spaces. Through these diverse initiatives and organisations, the arts play a vital role in promoting social change, fostering understanding, and giving a voice to underrepresented groups.

Dereje Dange, Co-Founder & Artistic Director, Fekat Circus, Ethiopia
Azza Guergues, Journalist & Podcast Producer, Egypt
Yasmin Gurreeboo, CEO & Artistic Director, ActNow Theatre, Kaurna land, Adelaide, Australia

Wanyika Mshila, Social Change Agent
Welcome by Lena Nahlous, CEO, Diversity Arts Australia

The Imagine Project by Diversity Arts Australia is proudly supported by Creative Australia and the British Council as part of the Creative Equity Toolkit


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