Описание к видео HOT TOPIC

Hot Topic 🔥🥵
Hi Kvg Hi 326 Express I’m a lady aged 32 yrs married with two kids. We recently relocated to our new house early this year after many years of building. As soon as we moved in my mother in law fell sick and we had to take her in with us. The plan was for her to go back kumusha kana vasimba but she ended up overstaying…with mum around I now needed a live in maid so mhamha was quick to suggest titore a widow from her village whom she recommended kuti anogona basa zvekudaro…ndaisada coz this lady was bringing her too kids ages 4 and 7. Luckily Takavaisa mu cottage and Taigarisana zvakanaka until I started noticing kuti mhamha doesn’t eat well when I cook during weekends and just to put it out there I’m not a bad cook…Mhamha will say muriwo wenyu ndautadza hapana kana mukaka zvawo ndipedze sadza!!! It went on for a while and It mad me feel bad in front of my husband.I started feeling inadequate but I would try kuitira mhamha zvese although I really wanted her out of my house now. I spoke to my husband and he spoke to mhamha kuti Miri zvayasimba taakukudzoserai kumusha. Haa Kvg I could tell that she was not happy she said kana ndakutodzekera the helper ndakudzokera navo because maziso angu akushupa I need Munhu we kugara naye…I really liked this helper vaishanda but what was I to do I rehired my previous helper…I bought groceries for mhamha after ndavati nyorai list re zvamunoda I even bought two extra blankets considering the cold this winter time…. In less than a week Kvg takanzwa kuti mhamha varwara food poisoning we drove kwa seke only to realize the helper and her two kids two were muchipatara… I asked vana kuti Makadyei and they said takadya spaghetti kwaGogo I never bought spaghetti it wasn’t on the list….I came back home the next day and noticed that my pantry was missing a few things including a few canned spaghetti and beans that I had instructed the old helper to throw away dzaka expire kare I think last year October. This meant kuti pama groceries that I bought mhamha stole more from the pantry…I just kept quiet.  My hot issue my mother in law vakazotumira message asking me for $120 vachiti ndeyekurapisa the helper and her kids. I called back ndikavati Ko isu taakurapisa sei Munhu ari kushanda tichimupa Mari kuti akuchengetei it’s not part of our agreement. She immediately called my husband and told him kuti mukadzi wako akatenga chikafu Chaka expire ndicho chati rwarisa musha wese and asked for Mari kurapisa the helper ne vana vakatumirwa…Ndaida kusimudza muromo wekuti mhamha vakaba asi murume wangu azoitii… So now she is recovering and my husband requested tivatore futi and I don’t want her in my house anymore…can I open up and share my discomfort about having her around and should I tell him kuti mhamha vaka rwara  ne chikafu chavakaba…Maybe that’s the only way to keep her away from my house she is toxic…I need your help vedare

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