DSP watches DDP and Butterbean (and mentions his back)

Описание к видео DSP watches DDP and Butterbean (and mentions his back)

AKA "it's not the back video I keep going on about" or "you shouldn't still be having problems with your back after 17 years", someone submitted a video about the former wrestler DDP helping the former boxer Butterbean to lose weight and get fit and healthy again, so naturally DSP brought up HIS back as if the two were in any way comparable.

After that I go over a few other recent times that DSP has mentioned his back, and talk "briefly" about some problems I have with his retelling of events. Most of it will come up in greater detail in the video about his back that I'm still working on, so consider this one a bit of a teaser, and remember that "R" is not a region of the back - they are Cervical ("C"), Thoracic ("T"), Lumbar ("L"), and Sacral ("S"), there are no vertebrae named "R".

Come talk to me about back pain over on Twit-turr: https://x.com/Punished_Steve

Big ups to ‪@RawPhil‬ for being the source I stole the DSP REE-acks clip, I can't recall using anyone else for this other than PigPigGo for the other clips, so thank you ‪@DSPInstitute‬ as well.

Also the biggest of ups goes to ‪@KingjadVCMP‬ for the bingo clip of him trying to find DSP saying "deherniated" to trigger me, I really appreciate the lengths he went to in order to annoy me and can respect the effort put into such a task. I've been sitting on that clip for more than a year and now seems like an appropriate time to show it.

~*~ Decompression exercises for your b-ACK ~*~

00:00:00 - 01: Ripping the plaster off
00:01:46 - 02: DSP watches a video about DDP Yoga and Butterbean
00:35:16 - 03: An attempt at crying is made
00:58:52 - 04: DSP vs the internet clip analysis (27th Aug 2023)
01:11:44 - 05: Prestream clip analysis (29th Aug 2023)
01:17:49 - 06: "My origin story" clip analysis (27th Aug 2023)
01:29:07 - 07: DSP vs the internet clip analysis (17th Jun 2023)
01:36:49 - 08: Prestream clip analysis (16th Jun 2023)
01:42:17 - 09: Random Q&A with viewers clip analysis (23rd May 2023)
02:00:05 - 10: Hogwarts Legacy clip analysis (14th Mar 2023)
02:47:03 - 11: Wrapping this one up
02:50:21 - 12: The meltdown about tacos
02:55:00 - 13: Kingjad tries to find DSP saying "deherniated"


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