Oliver Twist to go (Dickens in 10 minutes)

Описание к видео Oliver Twist to go (Dickens in 10 minutes)

Charles Dickens really knew what he was doing when it came to touching his readers. His masterpiece OLIVER TWIST not only features the legendary begging for more gruel or porridge or whatever stuff they were calling food in the workhouse („Please sir, I want some more!“) but also the death of Sike’s dog who jumps after his master even though the rogue has tried to cruelly kill him before. I really hate violence against animals - and against people, of course. Michael Sommer and his Playmobil cast present a compact and entertaining summary of this classic. DISCLAIMER: WATCHING THIS VIDEO DOES NOT REPLACE READING THE ORIGINAL. It's a summary, which means I have left out loads of things. I recommend reading it for yourselves and hope my little video will entice you to do so.

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