Woyzeck to go (Buechner in 9 minutes)

Описание к видео Woyzeck to go (Buechner in 9 minutes)

Everyone is taking the piss out of him, his captain mocking his illegitimate kid, his rival knocking him out, the doctor taking urine specimens - Woyzeck’s really at the bottom of the social ladder. When he develops a fully fledged schizophrenia, this small soldier turns into a human bombshell - and kills the mother of his child. Georg Büchner’s fragment WOYZECK is a proto-modernist drama, maybe the first truly psychological AND sociological depiction of the making of a killer. Michael Sommer and his Playmobil cast present a compact and entertaining summary of this classic. DISCLAIMER: WATCHING THIS VIDEO DOES NOT REPLACE READING THE ORIGINAL. It's a summary, which means I have left out loads of things. I recommend reading it for yourselves and hope my little video will entice you to do so.

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