🔥外國人大愛茄芷袋!?台灣新指標💞不再只是菜市場袋了!🛍️|This ICONIC Taiwanese grocery bag is now HIGH FASHION

Описание к видео 🔥外國人大愛茄芷袋!?台灣新指標💞不再只是菜市場袋了!🛍️|This ICONIC Taiwanese grocery bag is now HIGH FASHION

逐家好!非常抱歉前兩個禮拜無法上影片 我有好藉口⋯ 我拔智齒拔到痛到無法走路餒(我的這個經驗也有拍成影片,等我剪出來就知道 哈哈)


  / mimikxdiary  
  / missming_design_studio  
連YouTube頻道都有~ @designermissming2389 🎈

So... what the heck do you call it?
Hello guys! I'm very very sorry I was unable to upload videos the past two weeks. I do have a good excuse... I had my wisdom teeth removed and it hurt so bad I couldn't walk straight. (I shot a video, once I've edited it and shared it you'll know what I mean haha)

Next Wednesday I'll be back with a new Taiwanese cover. This one is a bit different, I'm looking forward to sharing it with everyone!!!✨

Thank you so much to designer Ming for creating and sharing!!
She has several social media accounts you're welcome to follow:)
They're the ones listed above!

0:00 我愛茄芷袋
1:00 台中鄉下
1:52 要怎麼稱呼它?!
2:40 台灣沒指標性
3:35 台灣沒有電?
4:46 高級時尚
5:33 璀璨穿去夜市
7:18 未來的傳統?
8:35 下支影片可以期待!

#台灣 #菜市場 #流行

⭐合作信箱聯繫➔[email protected]

每週三更新影片 New videos every Wednesday!


【崔璀璨 Tristan H.】
YouTube頻道➔    / yakitorisutan  
Facebook粉專➔   / yakitorisutan  
Instagram主頁➔   / yakitorisutan  


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