Can you beat Halo 3 ODST with ONLY grenades?

Описание к видео Can you beat Halo 3 ODST with ONLY grenades?

Challenge Rules:
I can only kill enemies with grenades
I can't shoot or melee but i can use my A.I. companions to kill enemies.
I can drive vehicles as long as i don't kill anything with the vehicle
Halo 3 ODST, the black sheep of the Halo franchise. Today we’re gonna find out, can you beat Halo 3 ODST with only grenades? Our journey begins with some writing updating any new players on what the Halo franchise is all about, we’re introduced to some forgettable characters and the biggest piece of human trash in the entire halo franchise, Romeo. Buck is probably the only cool character besides us, the Rookie. After Romeo wakes us up like the asshole that he is, Dutch gives us our weapon. I was excited to use it until I remembered that this is a grenade only challenge. Sadness consumed me. We drop in our drop pods and there’s an EMP blast due to the covenant using a slipspace rupture. We black out and wake up six hours later on top of a building. We break our legs and now the real pain and misery could begin.
Mombasa Streets part 1 - Let me tell you right now, this level is one of the hardest levels of the entire run. And It’s not because it’s hard to kill the enemies with grenades but because when you kill an enemy they have a random chance at dropping a random amount of grenades and you need to kill all the enemies in this section to continue past the area. That’s 4 brutes and 12 grunts. It usually takes 3 frag grenades to kill a single brute so i would save my frags for the grunts and when they would drop a plasma grenade, i would use it on the brutes. To begin, i hide from the first patrol, i’m not sure why i decided not to kill them first but it doesn’t really matter who dies first, as long as they eventually become a corpse. I go up this street and i catch a glimpse of my prey. I was hoping that I could save some grenades here and kill at least 2 grunts with one grenade but they weren’t having any of that. I kill the first two and i’m left with one grenade, i throw it at this grunt and luckily the little pooper dropped not one, but two plasma nades. So i stick this big boi and so far that’s 4 enemies down, with 12 to go.

The next patrol overheard our glorious battle so naturally they were on high alert, i kill this grunt here with a plasma and it shat out 2 more nades, which i use to kill this brute and goddamn he drops 2 spike grenades. I stick timmy with my plasma and jimmy with my spikey, 2 corpses in 1 grave. Another thing worth mentioning is you have to stay close when throwing grenades at enemies because if you’re too far away they’ll always dodge and it makes it fucking impossible to kill anything with a grenade, especially the brutes. At this part i had to reload checkpoints a lot because my enemies didn’t drop nades often and sometimes i would miss my throws. Aim assist can really fuck you up when you want to be specific with a grenade throw but luckily this grenade went in the perfect spot and penetrated both the grunts, they dropped 4 goddamn grenades. This was my best shot yet so my body filled with adrenaline and heightened my sense. I stupidly tried to stick this grunt who was running but luckily it turned as i was about to miss, so i got the kill. I kill this brute in the dick for an extra fuck you, he dies, drops 2 nades, and now there were four enemies left and i had 4 nades. With those odds, success was guaranteed. I kill bingo, bango, and bongo and i still have some nades to spare. We get a phone call and are introduced to the superintendent, he shows us where a clue is so i go after it. I go through this building and wander into a courtyard that is packed with grunts, i didn’t have time to dance so i go into the next building, make my way to the top floor, find Veronica Dare’s helmet watching TV in 4D and beat the first mission.

Tayari Plaza - We play as Buck in this mission and it takes place immediately after the drop. Our objective is to rendezvous with Dare at her pod but the covenant must have spotted us so a dropship deploys all of its troops. I just keep left and run by everyone, using the cars and whatnot for cover until I run into some marines who are most likely gonna die. I say farewell, fuck you, and i take my leave. The only way to die in this level by any group of enemies, is by purposely trying to die, so i get through the door and Dare tells us that she is being attacked by covenant. We run by the hunters and it becomes clear how pathetic Dare is as a soldier because it was only 3 grunts attacking her pod. I kill one of them and then open Dare’s pod but she’s gone, an engineer does a funny dance, Romeo blows its brains out, they talk about stuff and we beat the level.
Mombasa Streets part 2 - Every level of Mombasa Streets is the same thing. Less than 3 minutes to beat, find the next clue and move on the next level so for these “levels” i’m just gonna describe the cutscenes. The superintendent shows me where the next clue is, i go to the location and find a


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