Pladask Elektrisk Matrise Demo

Описание к видео Pladask Elektrisk Matrise Demo

Today I'm demonstrating the Matrise by Pladask Elektrisk. The Matrise is a matrix mixer, and basically allows you to route any of its 4 inputs to any of its 4 outputs. This creates a surprisingly deep tool set for manipulating audio and routing pedals to and fro.

We’ve had this explosion of new pedals over the last month and a half, and while it was tempting to take on a new pedal, I decided to do what I always do, which is choose an older pedal and make a video manual for it.

Utility pedals like the Matrise aren’t as flashy as, say a new delay pedal… but when it’s hooked up, the Matrise can deliver an insane variety of sounds. It’s a core component to my pedalboard nowadays. I couldn’t live without it. Well, I could, but life wouldn’t be as fun…

I hope this demo is helpful. I struggled with this pedal for a while before I figured it out, and I’m hoping to help other people learn it faster with this video.

00:00 Intro
00:26 Cheat Sheet
00:46 Pedal overview
01:34 Labeling the inputs and outputs
01:46 Routing for the demo
02:02 Main input and output
02:45 Routing to the Fabrikat
03:50 Routing to the Mood
04:29 Routing to the Count to Five
05:05 Brown knobs
06:13 Knobs that route audio from Input A (Main)
07:03 Knobs that route audio from Input B (Fabrikat)
08:58 Knobs that route audio from Input C (Mood)
09:22 Feeding the Mood back into itself!
11:01 Knobs that route audio from Input D (Ct5)
12:01 Cables
12:37 Phase switches
12:48 How I check for phase
13:16 More on the cheat sheet
13:29 More about the pedal and how to get one


The Matrise Cheat Sheet is a tool I made for myself, because I kept plugging the ^&#^$* cables into the wrong ports. But after I realized how much time it was saving me, I decided to share it with everyone.

I’ve posted 2 versions of it… a Powerpoint and a PDF. The Powerpoint version is cool because you can do a “Find/Replace” on the text for your pedal names. If you don’t own Powerpoint, you can make a Google account, and upload it to Google Slides, and use it that way.

Initially, I wanted to make a fancy interactive pdf form, but I quickly realized that I am too stupid to do so. Maybe someday…

As always, please send me any suggestions on how to make it better.


Analogman King of Tone
Chase Bliss Blooper
Montreal Assembly Count to Five
Pladask Elektrisk Matrise
Chase Bliss Mood
Pladask Elektrisk Fabrikat
Strymon Iridium

G&L Legacy Special



Hi everyone, I’m Aaron. I’m the lead guitarist and composer in All Fires For Love. I love writing music and geeking out about guitar pedals. I’m still quite new at releasing content on YouTube, but I’m really excited about the channel. Thanks so much for watching… I hope you enjoy the videos.


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