台灣漢字 DEEP DIVE:漢字台文咁有法度表示台語个主體性?

Описание к видео 台灣漢字 DEEP DIVE:漢字台文咁有法度表示台語个主體性?

Nā beh liáu-kái khah chē Tâi-oân Hàn-jī, chhiáⁿ chham-khó "Tâi Jī Chhân" ê chu-liāu-khò͘ kap chúi-thâu.

This video is about Taioan Hanji, and how they differ from Chinese Hanji. I talk about some of the common myths surrounding Hanji, e.g., that they are uniquely and necessarily Chinese, and that they somehow "compel" languages like Taioanese (among many others) to be absorbed into an over-arching "Chinese language family".

For that reason, many Taioanese advocates choose to disregard the historical realities of Hanji, even advocating that they be replaced wholesale by Lomaji (a la Vietnamese). While I am not personally against such a solution, I don't think it's particularly realistic, and it's certainly not necessary. Hanji can be an important part of Taioanese culture without any "dependency" on China. In fact, that was the reality for hundreds of years on Taioan, long before China even existed, and long before Lomaji were used for writing Taioanese.

That being said, the Hanji we use to write Taioanese are important, and not all Hanji are created equal. Taioanese had developed its own sort of "systematic approach" to Hanji over the centuries, and while it is still not 100% codified, that has more to do with the fact that Taioanese has never been used in an official capacity than anything else. Unfortunately, the current Chinese government in exile on Taioan is unwilling to recognize Taioanese as an independent language (much as they are unwilling to recognize an independent Taioanese people & country). As part of the process of sinicizing the Taioanese people and language, the "officially recommended" Hanji used today have very little to do with historical pre-Chinese Hanji, and very much to do with bringing Taioanese "into the fold" of Chinese languages.

Apologies for lack of English subs, they really take an inordinate amount of time. I can make a video on this topic in English if enough people would find that useful, it would even be faster than subtitling this video. Drop me some comments below.


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