How To Repair A Odometer | DIY Speedometer Repair | MK2 VW Diesel Gas 1985 1992 Jetta Golf 🚗🚕🚙

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How To Repair A Odometer | DIY Speedometer Repair | MK2 VW Diesel Gas 1985 1992 Jetta Golf 🚗🚕🚙

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Today I am going to repair a speedometer on my 1986 Jetta Diesel. The Odometer no longer works. I have plenty of experience fixing this problem that happens on almost every Markl II diesel Volkswagen. This is not confined to diesels though and includes gasoline cars too. Most times it is a little 14 tooth plastic gear that gives out and cracks under stress and age and are very difficult to find and replace. Most people resort to gluing them back together with super glue and that works most times but does not hold up forever and will eventually fail. More and more I am able to find these gears on Ebay with the proliferation of 3-D printers and the like. On the other end of the odometer drive shaft there is the dreaded Pot Metal gear. This Gear is press fitted to the little shaft and will work loose over time causing the same issue that the plastic gear when it fails. To fix this you have to dismantle the speedometer head and remove the pot metal gear. To make the hole smaller so it can be pressed back on the shaft with no more slippage, I simply take the gear and lay it on its side and crush it on an anvil with a hammer and punch and then press it back on the end of the shaft ether in a vice or with a hammer and a 6mm socket. I have been working on these cars since 2003 and have take several years to refine this method of repair.

MK2 VW Diesel/Gas 1985-1992 Jetta/Golf

Link to replacent Odometer Drive Gear

Good Plug in Drill (no battery)
Cut end of a Speedometer Cable
Black Index Mark
White Index Mark
Index Marks Stay Together
Printed Circuit Board
Red Odometer Drive Gear
White Worm Drive Gear
Pry the Needle off From The base
Tape To Secure Odometer Dials
Pot Metal Drive Gear
Brass Speedometer Spring
Mount Screws
Magnet Housing
Speedometer Cable Plug
Blank Pulse Generator
Pulse Generator for Cruise Control
Odometer Drive Shaft (Press Fitt to Gear)
Push Odometer Shaft Against Gear
6mm Socket
Index Marker for Setting Speedometer

1: Remove Speedometer Pointer Needle
2: Remove Speedometer Face Plate
3: Remove Brass Speedometer Spring

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Release Date 6/21/2021


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